Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

Sometimes, I love a nice quiet Sunday. My husband and I sit around typing - he working me blogging. It's great . . .and he always is there to show some kind of support or love and surprise me like he did today as he was looking through the paper he cut out the picture of a hamburger with cheese cut out to look like a pumpkin. It's the little things that can make a happy marriage.

As we sit here enjoying a beautiful day, my heart and thoughts go out to the millions of people in the North East of the country battening down the hatches for the "Storm of the century" that is fast approaching.  I am so sorry to hear about their plight and hope they are safe and perhaps somehow the storm will not after all really hit. We have family and have called and wished them well and offered our thoughts and prayers, though there is nothing we can do to help.

I'm sorry to think of people when they are suffering when it's so beautiful here, but Que Sera Sera!
I don't mean to be flip but life must go on in the South West where it is beautiful as always, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping and we are going to go take a ride in the convertible.

As I said I wish all in the North East God speed and as little damage as possible. I hope people have prepared and listened to the warnings.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What's On My Mind . . .

How come no matter what I try to do somehow it doesn't quite work as I envisioned ? Do you ever feel like this? When we moved to our new home in Arizona it was a more open concept floor plan where the roomy kitchen and family room are connected. This made it much more conducive, actually necessary for a large screen TV so it was able to be viewed from both rooms. (Especially as my husband and I age and we can't see a darn thing from any distance anymore) So, once we decided to get the TV I decided we should do a complete job, from soup to nuts and get surround sound, get outside speakers and an outside TV, fix the inside intercom/stereo system, add a 6 CD disc player to it, and round the whole thing off with a Universal remote to control it all. Sounds good right?

It does on paper...too bad it doesn't work right in reality. As we were left alone with everything, it didn't take long before we couldn't work everything ourselves. The guys who installed it, at a very hefty cost I must admit, did come back to help us. They wrote down the directions so we could figure out how to turn on the outside music, or the TV inside, etc. as it took a little time to get used to as it all went through the same receiver hidden behind a sofa so it was unobtrusive. We went along for quite a while with no mishaps, which was great, but no stories stay happy for too long. Again we ran into trouble, and as we called them again, we received no call backs. We waited a few days, then became impatient, as our lives run around our entertainment center. Finally, they returned our call, told us they would get to us when they could fit us in as we're on the other side of the mountain. Really? When they did, they were at the door with their arms and legs crossed like Rappers with attitudes! They came in worked on the problem, made us feel stupid and as if they were doing us a favor as they tapped away on their computers fixing a problem obviously we COULDN'T have.

Not to belabor a point, but we've run into a few more problems with them. I hate electronic things. I feel so out of my element. This time though we are having a reoccurring problem with the Universal remote, which one of the wonderful workers, actually the owner of the little company, now a one man show has the software on HIS computer so there is no way we can do anything to fix it. The TV won't turn ON, and now we can't get volume unless we hit the speaker button on the receiver. If we do get the TV, cable, and volume on, we can not change the channel. We have tried calling the owner twice. No answer for two weeks. Finally I've had enough. I finally looked on-line and found an Electronic Wizard Company that I'm waiting for. As I'm typing this they are late arriving! I hope I'm not doomed with this project, it was all my idea. . .then my husband can just look at me and raise his eyebrows! Unbelievable!

Have you had any terrible luck like this with a company?